Archive for the ‘Linus Torvalds’ Category

Linus and Chuck

November 1, 2007

People pray to Jesus, but Jesus prays to Linus Torvalds.

There’s more….

Google is now my god. I cant tell you how I will be worshiping him (cough*adstuff*cough) but I do know he is the high ruler of all that is web (2.0). While I do support its web docs program to be a small diversion of the giant Office, I think to myself (what a wonderful world) what if one identity oversaw everything on the web? E-mail, search, video, blogs, web 2.0 apps (this is sounding familiar) all from this one presence off the web. Even the smaller web services that make our experiences great every time we get on could be apart of google. Would this integration have a bad impact on how we interact with each other and the web? I want to say no. I think it will ensure constancy throughout different aspects. Given there will still be a ton of other options to do just about everything and anything, google will have the standard to which others will be tested against. And maybe with all these free services from google, they will transcend into the open source market developing a Linux distro (google+Linux=Gonux?).

On the end note, I just cannot wait for my grubby hands get a hold of the google phone, because life will not be complete until google has been in my pockets.