Archive for the ‘“Thanks”’ Category

I have fans!! The TV update and more of Norris!

November 20, 2007

Wow. 36 comments in one day?! That’s kinda weird. But thanks for everyone who did, I was about to give up on this blogging thing; I found no use for it if no one is going to read it. But now I know that there are people (or person) out there who care or just have nothing else to do. The moral of the story, thanks. And what a thing, most of those comments can within about 5 minutes of each other, that is great (insert sarcasm now)!

Phase one of my TV went down the drain. I realized that the wall mount I put up was pointless, I have a dresser that was going to go under it anyway so I put the TV on it. Oh, I got a 32″ Vizio LCD. It’s nice and I can get digital/HD through good ole’ bunny ears. Anyway, I also got my audio going to. On top of that, I have my computer going to it through DVI/HDMI plus an upscale DVD player. All in all, its a pretty sweet set-up for just a 10 by 10 room.

Well, its late. But thanks for all the comments about all the crap I say. And to the “individual” 36 readers, “thanks”.